say something about my site!! i may not check here often but i do appreciate yall's compliments =^__^=
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Tyrzi July 2, 2024 at 1:46:54 PM
what's your webpage??: Don't own yet :)
how'd you find me??: Nekoweb is in Dimden's neocities site so I looked into it, and here you are.

Hey did you know that there's a pictochat website that works like how it was in DS? biggrin

Nepetafan July 1, 2024 at 6:01:40 AM
what's your webpage??:
how'd you find me??: I love Nepeta so I found Nepeta I love Nepta

Hello I love eNepya

ken June 28, 2024 at 3:46:40 AM
how'd you find me??: internet deep dives

i adore the decor for this page and how you were able to customize the highlighting and such. good on!!!

jhris June 28, 2024 at 1:44:52 AM
how'd you find me??: surfing the webz and various webzringz

Привет! Hi! I freaking love your website!! /gen I'm working on mine right now, and I thought to look at other people's websites (like yours!) for some references. This is an amazing website! Much love, and may God bless you. biggrin rose perfect

Lenny June 28, 2024 at 12:52:46 AM
what's your webpage??: I'm not telling you it's too wip and it sucks sorry :(
how'd you find me??: Nekoweb front page (first time surfing Nekoweb)

This site is very nice smile this is the first site I clicked and it's great!!!

Duck Guy June 28, 2024 at 12:12:24 AM
what's your webpage??: i don;t hav 1 yet
how'd you find me??: fribt oage

epicest cave evr

kelbs June 23, 2024 at 2:06:31 PM
what's your webpage??: (i plan on updating it it’s not good)
how'd you find me??: TUMBLR!!!!!


alex June 22, 2024 at 7:27:49 PM
what's your webpage??:
how'd you find me??: thru status cafe :3

what a cute site, i love everything about it! the little sounds n music... so nice.. so nice!!! <3

lawker09 June 19, 2024 at 8:36:25 PM
what's your webpage??: don't got one (can't code for my life :c) I do have Tumblr tho
how'd you find me??: searched up animation on neocities

this is so cool please post more :3

adryd June 18, 2024 at 7:13:44 AM
what's your webpage??:
how'd you find me??: Scanning the internet to graph 88x31s (

Heya!! this is a really cute site -Ari found it while running a crawl of eightyeightthirtyone

nepeta June 15, 2024 at 3:03:30 PM
what's your webpage??:
how'd you find me??: im the webkitty!!!

saying thank you to all of you guys!!!!! im glad yall love this site a lot as much as i love it ^__^

bee June 13, 2024 at 6:12:30 PM
what's your webpage??:
how'd you find me??: nekoweb

this is a beautiful website <3

Josh June 12, 2024 at 2:58:42 PM
what's your webpage??:
how'd you find me??: through a webring!!! i think it was the miku one but i can't rememberr

looking through your page is sooo so fun!! i love itbouncey

munti June 9, 2024 at 4:09:43 PM
what's your webpage??: (soon to be defunct and rewrite)
how'd you find me??: front page


remi June 9, 2024 at 4:53:56 AM

saw it's your birthday on neocities, so i'm wishing you a happy birthday! have a good one, hope you celebrated well

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